Decent Work in the Sustainable Development Goals

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The Sustainable Development Goals set targets for the next fifteen years. As the process of achieving the 17 Goals gains momentum, putting decent work and strengthening social protection are crucial to achieving global prosperity. Decent work transforms societies for the better, driving development that is more equitable, inclusive and sustainable.
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Five reasons Decent Work is a priority of the Sustainable Development Goals

1. Because work touches everyone
No country is immune to a lack of decent work.
670 million jobs have to be created by 2030

2. Because decent work drives development
ILO research shows that developing countries that invested in quality jobs grew faster

3. Because decent work is what people want
A Gallup World poll ranked access to good jobs as the #1 priority

4. Because decent work transforms societies for the better
Decent work is a foundation for equitable, inclusive and sustainable development

5. Because the quality of jobs, not just the quantity, is at stake.

Everyone is entitled to decent work

Una squadra di professionisti editoriali ed esperti nelle tematiche della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro, prevenzione incendi, tutela dell’ambiente, edilizia, security e privacy. Da oltre 20 anni alla guida del canale di informazione online di EPC Editore

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Una squadra di professionisti editoriali ed esperti nelle tematiche della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro, prevenzione incendi, tutela dell'ambiente, edilizia, security e privacy. Da oltre 20 anni alla guida del canale di informazione online di EPC Editore