Together for the Energy Union

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Energy is what binds us beyond borders. There are several ways, but only one goal. It is essential to maintain the ambition and momentum created by the launch of the Energy Union in February 2015. The Energy Union is a triple win strategy benefiting European consumers, European industry, and European environment. Endorsements from: 1 Hans Ten Berge – Secretary General Eurelectric – The Union of the Electricity Industry 2 Monique Goyens – Director General BEUC – The European Consumer Organisation 3 Sandrine Dixson-Declève – Director of The Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group 4 Gert De Block – Secretary General CEDEC – European Federation of Local Energy Companies 5 Adrian M Joyce – Secretary General EuroACE – The European Alliance of Companies for Energy Efficiency 6 Ambassador Urban Rusnák – Secretary General of the Energy Charter 7 Elisabeth Borne – President RATP 8 Rob Boogard – CEO Interface 9 Tomas Hayry – Mayor of Vaasa, Finland 10 Jonathan Gaventa -Director for Energy E3G – Third Generation Environmentalism 11 Ondrej Šrámek -Steering committee member of Chance for Buildings (C4B) 12 Peter Robl – Board Member of Slovak green building council 13 Ingrid Reumert – Vice-President Stakeholder Communication and Sustainability of VELUX A/S 14 Auke Lont – CEO Statnett 15 Jan Jujeczka – Spokesperson of Central Europe Energy Partners 16 Jakob Askou Bøss – Chief Strategy Officer, DONG Energy

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Una squadra di professionisti editoriali ed esperti nelle tematiche della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro, prevenzione incendi, tutela dell'ambiente, edilizia, security e privacy. Da oltre 20 anni alla guida del canale di informazione online di EPC Editore